速報APP / 教育 / Teleroo™ Timer

Teleroo™ Timer



檔案大小:21 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Teleroo™ Timer(圖1)-速報App

**introductory pricing in effect**

Waiting is tough. Teleroo™ is here to help!

Support the demands of waiting using our clinically informed and family tested visual timer. The Teleroo™ Timer supports individuals by "showing" the passage of time and eases transitions between activities by using real-life visuals.

The Teleroo™ Timer allows users to customize, save, and reuse timers (with names, colors, photos, and custom voice alerts – even when the app is closed!). Custom timers can be made in seconds using photos in the user’s environment along with custom alerts, such as their voice or the voice of a parent or teacher.

Benefits reported:

Teleroo™ Timer(圖2)-速報App

- Supports scheduled activities in classrooms and eases transitions between activities for all students

- Supports adults with time management at home and in the boardroom

- Supports children with the demands of waiting in community and home settings and supports the transition to the next activity (restaurants, doctor’s office, during leisure activities, etc.)

- Supports individuals with special needs by making the passage of time more concrete and by using real-life photos in their environment to support transitions between one activity and the next.

We would love to hear how the Teleroo™ Timer is working for you and always welcome feedback for improvement. Please leave us a review on the app store or send us an email directly at info@kidsuncomplicated.com

Find out more about our technology and services at www.theuncomplicatedfamily.com

支援平台:iPhone, iPad